Quantum Light Frequency Healing Bed
The QUANTUM CRYSTAL LIGHT FREQUENCY HEALING BED was designed to clear old energy systems and bring forth the love and light that we all hold. This incredible technology was channeled from the Stars and will work with your conscious and subconscious mind to offer optimum healing and enlightenment for your path of Ascension.
Enjoy relief from stress, anxiety, pain and depression.
The Light Bed assists with relaxation, clarity and healing at the cellular level.
This session will also help to shift your life in the direction you prefer.
This Quantum Crystal Light Frequency Bed is composed of 4 systems of energy transmission:
Our cells and DNA use these key ingredients in the composition of REGENERATION.
The LIGHT System consists of 7 Vogel Crystals, Orgonite, 42 LED Lights, Lasers and Mobius Coils
The SOUND System offers Binaural Beats, Solfeggio tones and crystal bowls with as many as 60 overtones in the healing frequency music that was created specifically for the light bed. Sound Transducers vibrate the bed and your cells at specified frequencies.
MOBIUS COILS are powerful tools to generate MAGNETIC SCALAR WAVES, which are frequencies that are transported by light, sound and magnets. Magnetic Scalar Waves have the ability to penetrate into every cell of the body because they are multi-dimensional or quantum.
Enjoy relief from stress, anxiety, pain and depression.
The Light Bed assists with relaxation, clarity and healing at the cellular level.
This session will also help to shift your life in the direction you prefer.
This Quantum Crystal Light Frequency Bed is composed of 4 systems of energy transmission:
Our cells and DNA use these key ingredients in the composition of REGENERATION.
The LIGHT System consists of 7 Vogel Crystals, Orgonite, 42 LED Lights, Lasers and Mobius Coils
The SOUND System offers Binaural Beats, Solfeggio tones and crystal bowls with as many as 60 overtones in the healing frequency music that was created specifically for the light bed. Sound Transducers vibrate the bed and your cells at specified frequencies.
MOBIUS COILS are powerful tools to generate MAGNETIC SCALAR WAVES, which are frequencies that are transported by light, sound and magnets. Magnetic Scalar Waves have the ability to penetrate into every cell of the body because they are multi-dimensional or quantum.
Enjoy a relaxing, yet powerful healing session on the amazing Quantum Crystal Light Frequency Healing Bed.
There are several options for a session ~
30 Minutes
1 Hour
2 Hours
Your 2-hour session includes 1 hour of Intuitive Guidance combined with a 1-hour Crystal Bed Session. Your healing facilitator, Linda Weiner, is a claircognizant psychic with the ability to help you discover hidden beliefs that block forward motion on your life path. She will also help you set clear intentions for your healing and manifestations. Sessions are available in Pueblo, Colorado.
TEXT Linda 719-251-0266 for your questions and to schedule your session with current fees available.
There are several options for a session ~
30 Minutes
1 Hour
2 Hours
Your 2-hour session includes 1 hour of Intuitive Guidance combined with a 1-hour Crystal Bed Session. Your healing facilitator, Linda Weiner, is a claircognizant psychic with the ability to help you discover hidden beliefs that block forward motion on your life path. She will also help you set clear intentions for your healing and manifestations. Sessions are available in Pueblo, Colorado.
TEXT Linda 719-251-0266 for your questions and to schedule your session with current fees available.